the winner
Here is the winner of the 2005-06 Nickelodeon Guitar Raffle.
Music - Fatherhood - Music - Humour - Music - Food - Music - Politics - Music - Media - Music and stuff (and music)
This is the guitar we raffled off at the Nickelodeon Music club this year.
Nathan Rogers playing the Nickelodeon Guitar Raffle grand prize. Nathan bought a ticket as did many of the artists who signed the guitar.
And my other co-worker added "I have alway wanted to try one. I have also heard they are very good for you - you can buy mangosteen stuff in health food stores."
Then I did a Google search on mangosteen.
Holy crap! Everybody is trying to make a buck off these things. They're flogging the juice and dried mangosteen as some kind of miracle elixar. And in typical internet fashion, the marketing is linked up everywhere. In fact I am betting my text ads at the bottom of this page pick up on this post and I too will - against my will - become a shill for some snake oil mangosteen salesman.
I did some Googling and I found a great article The Mangosteen Myth.
Here's a quote
I investigated mangosteen earlier this year.There is a teensy bit of basic science (test tube studies finding that mangosteen, like ten thousand plants, has antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral actions) but ZERO meaningful clinical research that shows it has any useful action in human beings. Mangosteen juice is just a random product-of-the-year sort of thing, a marketing initiative like so many others, conceived in the spirit of profit, and no more likely to produce any special health benefits than any other plantchosen at random out the botanical universe.
In the famous Mel Brooks 2000 year old man sketch, Mel calls the nectarine "a hell of a fruit." I would say the same about mangosteen. (It also has a hell of a name - like a Polynesian Jewish guy!)
My advice, go to an Asian fruit shop in your local Chinatown and shell out to try it. (It is rather expensive.) It is yummy.
Miracle fruit?
I think not.
I am addicted to magazines.
That's my long winded way of saying.. sometimes they stretch the story to fit.. but you know what? It's always a good story.
Best of all? There's a CD with each issue. It's like getting something for nothing. Remember how much you paid for your very first CD? $20? $30? This one is free. It is usually not crap music.. sometimes it is crap but it is always FREE.
A magazine from the states does one better in the "it seems like I am getting something for nothing but I am not" department . Paste covers independent music, film and independent other stuff. Most issues contain only about three or four hundred CD reviews (not really but it seems like it) but you get a free CD and a DVD in most issues. They are both usually pretty good - chalk full of indie tunes and short independent films and music videos - not videos you see on Much Music or whatever you local teenybopper music station is called (MTV or whatever). They are videos that would be on the video station you wish existed but doesn't. (if you hear of one.. call me)
I also subscribe to No Depression (alt country) Penguin Eggs (Canadian folk music) Vintage Guitar (duh!) Acoustic Guitar (duh! again) and Guitar Player (did I mention I am addicted?) - and that's just a partial list.
Not really free stuff with those magazines but there is always a contest to enter and not win.
Len is a singer-songwriter accordion player extraordinaire.
He plays fast and furious. When Len Wallace attacks the keys you can see smoke rise from his fingers. Len's music is a unique style he calls celto-slavic fusion. He goes from jig to reel to polka and then back to a reel in a heartbeat.
How about this quote from Billy Bragg - "What can you say when the accordion player rocks more than the main act? . . . Len Rules!"
As a songwriter, Len write about issues facing working people. He is a labour activist. He wears that on his sleeve (right wingers stay away)
How about this quote from Pete Seeger - "A great accordionist, singer and songleader."
And he also has a sense of humour. You should hear is polka version of the BTO hit Takin' Care of Busines. We're all waiting for a new solo recording from Len. Meanwhile you can find out more about him and his band the Diggers from his website.
My smart, talented and lovely wife has a blog. Here is some information about it. Check it out if this interests you.
Greg, Murray, Jeff, Anthony
The Wiggles are the coolest band in the world.
Not just the coolest band for kids, the coolest band period. I will arm wrestle anyone who disputes that, and I will probably lose, but it's still true.
Before my daughter (who's 4 now) was born, I interviewed Greg for a short radio spot (I was a broadcast journalist at the time). I was impressed with his politeness and professionalism. At the time I didn't realize I was talking to Paul Mcartney in Australia's version of the Beatles for pre-schoolers.
By the way two of the four Wiggles, Anthony and Jeff, were in an R&B band called the Cockroaches. (If a name like that doesn't help qualify them as being cool, I don't know what else would.) Anthony, Greg and Murray studied early childhood education - hence the band.
It's one thing to succeed in the recording studio, quite another to shine playing live and these guys are great live. We took our daughter to see them in a hockey arena last year. We scored third row seats and I am telling you the Wiggles are the hardest working guys in show business. And yes, I have seen James Brown and these guys qualify for the title.
They run and jump around and dance and do prat falls. They could easily resort to lip syncing and frankly I wouldn't blame them, but they don't. Trust me. I was in the third row. I could see the sweat and I could tell they were playing. Take that Britney!
Do I love everything about the Wiggles? No. Their DVDs cheap out on the production values and they do that Disney thing of recycling stuff. Songs and videos appear and reappear in various forms and formats. Nothing seems to make it to the cutting room floor.
On the other hand, these guys have become millionaires because they are really really good at entertaining pre-schoolers and they deserve every penny.